Saturday, 30 June 2012

Great Grub Club

This is a super website with lots of ideas for growing things etc

Fishing to make amends

We looked at 'guilt' and making amends today in our Friendship group. We thought we would try and make a bit of a game of it so I made this fishing game. We began by the children sorting the scenarios by 'how guilty they would feel' and have a discussion about why they felt that way. Then we thought for a bit of fun the children could fish for scenarios in pairs and then act out the scenario including making amends. Here are the fish on a pdf, the quality of the fish isn't brilliant but they are fine when printed off and laminated. We stuck paper clips around the edge (the metal ones are best for sticking to the magnet) and made a little fishing rod out of a stick, string and small magnet at the end of the string. They were quite tricky to pick up but that gave the children such a boost once they 'caught' one! Here are the fish on a worddocument so you can change the scenarios if you wish. We had some budding actors in the making!
Happy fishing!

Doughnuts activity

On Wednesday during our friendship group snack time we had some little mini doughnuts and one year 4 girl said to me 'Do you remember when we were in year 2 you gave us big doughnuts and we had to eat them without licking our lips?' I did remember and was amazed that she had too. It was an idea in the SEAL resources on Changes and the children had to eat a sugary doughnut without licking their lips. It is extremely difficult to do. The whole idea is for the child to realise that sometimes they do things without thinking for example thumb sucking, calling out on the carpet, things that become a habit. It is very difficult to break those habits but it can be done just as eating a doughnut without licking your lips can be done.

I did reflect on the fact that this child had remembered this 2 years later and it makes you look at yourself and think carefully on how to get these teaching points across to children. Something that really stands out in their mind and makes them remember. Anyway here is a little sheet I have made which could be used for the children in pairs. Of course you could do it as a group activity/circletime. I think this activity could be done with any child no matter what the age. Even adults!

Make sure you get an extra doughnut for yourself - you deserve it!

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Who is your superhero? Self esteem booster

This is an activity that I hope will make children look at other people's qualities and make them aspire to get those good qualities too. To begin with show children the image of batman and discuss the qualities he has. Then children to think of someone they know who they admire. They can draw a picture and think of 3 positive qualities the person has. This could be extended to asking the children if they have these qualities and if not how could they get them. Giving them something to aim for. For example they may choose a famous footballer, try to get them to come up with attributes though and not just because they are famous or rich or have big cars etc.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Self esteem board game

This board game is played with a group of children. The aim being to collect tokens/counters/coins when they land on a treasure chest square. The other squares are self explanatory. I have saved it on a pdf over 2 pages so it is big enough to play.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant

If you are an ELSA or teaching assistant who teaches emotional literacy or a class teacher you may find some useful links/resources on this site.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Use your senses

Use this simple game to help children with their writing or speaking skills. Children to throw a die, count that number of squares and they either land on 'what can I see, what can I hear, what can I touch, what can I smell?' They must give a sentence describing what they see, hear, smell or touch. Obviously you can play this game anywhere, sitting in the playground, in the garden, in the school canteen, in the classroom etc.