
Saturday, 13 March 2010

Letters and Sounds - revisit and review

I often start my phonics sessions with a little puzzle. I find the children rise to the challenge and really enjoy it. It is a good way to revisit graphemes from previous phases. This is a dead simple game but I do think the simplest games are the best. Children have a set time of 2 minutes to come up with as many words as they can think of using the graphemes written in the box. I have done a blank one so you can simply write in the graphemes you want to use and then photocopy.
I usually do a target grapheme in green and the rest in black. They have to use the green grapheme in every word. We do sometimes get nonsense words which I do accept as long as the child can read it. Again a good way of just blending sounds. We call these alien words.
After 2 minutes I ask who has got more than 10? More than 9? etc the child with the most reads down their list. Often all my group want to read their words out. All good practise :)

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