
Monday, 4 February 2008

How do you get the classes attention?

Shout...Give me five! or....hands in the air, hands on your heads, hands by your side, fold your arms clapping a rhythm they have to copy Shout....'are you listening?'....whilst clapping the rhythm and they shout....'yes we are' whilst clapping the rhythm

In normal voice "if you are listening clap once." "If you are listening clap twice" and carry on utill they all clap, Then comment on how many claps it took to get the childrens attention without having to raise you voice! It works. (62denise)

Do simple hand movements (no talking) for the children to click fingers...tap shoulders...spiral fingers....rub tummy/tap head ...etc...ending with arms folded. Say ..3..2..1.. children respond 1..2..3 Say eeny meeny...children respond...miney mo I tend to use the clapping rhythm one the most (Charlie)

Shout letter names of vowels....AEIOU children respond with letter sounds aeiou

We get the kids to copy our movements, but don't say anything, we also had a foreign teacher last year who found that the class quickly shut up when she spoke her language. Theory is that the brain wants to concentrate on an unfamiliar word so the kids stop and listen. Have recently found that singing the song (soaring flying, don't know what it's called) from high school musical works well, or maybe my singing scares them into silence. (Rosie)

In one class that I work (reception) I ring a small hand bell...they stop and hold up two empty hands (stops the filddlers fiddling..) In the other reception class they use 1, 2 ,3 stop and look at me. Again they have to show two empty hands. With some children, i just have to use my Paddington Bear 'hard stare' that works really really words at all!! I also whisper when i have something important to say..... (Tezz)

We count down from 5 at 0 must be perfect audience (Lynn)

The old 1 2 3 look at me with hand raised in KS1 and just raised hand in KS2, works well in our school in class but not in playground at lining up time! (Lolly)

When I worked as a mid-day supervisor, before becoming a TA we used to stand at the front and do movements, arms, shoulders, nose, etc. Not saying anything and eventually all would join in. Another way was to start 'Simon Says' just in a fairly normal to a bit louder voice, again all lines usually join in. (Kpnut)

At KS1 in our school we use the "shoulders" command - all have to stop wheat they are doing, put hands of shoulders and look at CT or TA - works well as stops the kids fiddling. In KS2 we use clapping rythmns - works great in my curent class and gets the kids quiet and settled realy well .... (Cazgal)

I do the - Hands up in the air, wiggle my fingers, tap shoulders etc or - whisper very quietly, one or two children will listen, followed by a couple more or - I stand with my arms folded and say nothing - that works best with my KS2 darlings or I give them my 'look', don't actually know what it is, but it works In my grandson's class they children have to put their finger on their noses if they want to speak, instead of putting their hands up. Quite funny as he does it all the time when he is talking to me, and now the other grandchildren are copying when they are at our house. (Blueliz)

A retired teacher used to turn and talk to the white board I like clapping or clicking fingers If not as effective as quickly as i would like say so and try again chatter chatter chatter second time is instant - praise and reinforced Y6 teacher only has to walk into the room!! she is very firm and fair - has my respect would even go in on my day off for her!! (Smurf)

I have found most effective is to shake a tambourine, countdown from 10, and to clap and sing to a familiar tune. (Jac)

I try the ignoring bad behaviour, waiting until they notice I'm waiting, 3,2,1, raising one arm. Praise good behaviour and use these children as models for the class. (xdjx)

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