- Types of evidence include:
- Lesson plans
- IEP's
- Assessment records
- Memos
- Copies of emails
- Copies of annotated policies
- Thank you cards from parents
- Photographs copies of webpages
- Extracts from books
- Reading records
- Any letters sent to parents
- Accident book entries
- Certificates given to children
- Any old bits of notes from training courses you have been on.
- SATs results
- Resources you have made
- Photographs of resources you have made
- Photographs of displays
- Examples of differentiated work
- Photocopies of children's work, where you have marked and commented.
- Risk assessment,
- Minutes from a meeting,
- Copy of a SAT paper you scribed on,
- An ict resource that you made...ie huge thermometer,
- Signs and symbols on a certificate so all can read
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
HLTA - Types of evidence to use
On the forum we compiled a list of evidence that WE had used in our assessment process. Here it is:
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