
Monday, 18 February 2008

Group work feedback form

Thank you to Vee from the HLTA forum who has sent me these two feedback forms that she has designed.

This is a form I designed for using in class or for group intervention work. I use a simple tick, tick and question mark or a cross if the children have either got the objective, nearly got it or haven't got it at all. I find it easy to use whilst working with a group of children.

Click on the image above and then right click and save to your computer. You can then insert it into a word document set for Landscape. I hope you find it as useful as I do.

Vee from the forum just suggested a traffic light system where you could use the colours red, amber and green for if the children have understood the objective or not. Thanks Vee!


  1. nice simple easy to use record form .thanks Debbie

  2. I've linked to this post to give attribution as I'm going to use these with my trainee NCFE2 TA class

  3. I am really pleased they are useful to you Linda.


I would love to read any suggestions or comments you would like to make.