
Sunday, 17 February 2008

Advice for newbies starting out on HLTA

What advice would our members give to people who are just starting out on the HLTA Process?

Listen to your HLTA provider and take it one step at a time (Jac)

Don't panic! (Miranda)

Don't feel you have to write all the tasks before day one. Your provider is there to guide you through this process (Debbie)

Keep notes in a little book, of lessons you have done (Blueliz)

Keep the lesson plans that you have been given (Jac)

Any evidence of learning outcomes, from children's work (Blueliz)

Take photographs of any displays you have done Take photocopies of any worksheets you have marked. Keep minutes to any meetings you attend Make a point of giving written feedback to teacher, eg have a little shared book which you can both use to jot things down (Debbie)

Photograph children's work in case you need it. My Yr 4's made chairs and I photographed each one. They can go in their Art books and I can use some if I decide to use their class for Task 3. (Squirrel)

Quote the relevant polices and acts to prove you know them and are following them, especially "Every Child Matters"

Keep all IEP's and your own planning (Jac)

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